Whenever you visit there is always something beautiful to see at Riverhill, but be sure not to miss these seasonal treats.
As with all things nature, we are never sure exactly when things will appear so take this as a guide only. If there is something you are particularly keen to see, please do give us a call nearer the time and we can let you know how things are coming on.
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March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October
Enjoy all the seasons at Riverhill
With a Season Ticket, you can be sure you’ll never miss a thing. Visit as often as you like, for as long as you like and enjoy the gardens in every season.
Spring’s first flowers

Daffodils & Primrose Meadow
The gardens start the season as they mean to go on, with a lovely spring display of new life and fresh shoots. Our primrose meadow is a delicate yellow carpet, whilst the daffodils are a welcome sight after the winter. A visit now will be certain to lift your spirits!
Breathtaking bluebell woods

Bluebells & Early Rhododendrons
We love bluebells so much that we have an annual festival devoted to them! (click here for dates and more info). Our chestnut woods become carpeted in blue and the air is full of the sweet heady scent of bluebells. We have a gorgeous bluebell trail through the woods that everyone can enjoy – who doesn’t love a bluebell? Come and make the most of the endless photo opportunities and celebrate the welcome return of spring.
The Himalayan Highlights

Rhododendrons & Azaleas
Everyone’s favourites. We are so lucky to have a truly spectacular collection of rhododendrons and azaleas, many of which were brought back from the Himalayas by the original plant hunters. During May it is a rhododendron riot at Riverhill. Take a stroll through the Wood Garden and enjoy the variety and sheer majesty of our historic collection and then take in the view over the jungle area whilst you have tea on our Café terrace. Our most popular time of year and really not to be missed.
Prime time for our Walled Garden

Alliums & Peonies
June is the Walled Garden’s time to shine. The borders are awash with giant, frothy peonies in milky whites and pinks interspersed with the distinctive round heads of the purple alliums. Enjoy the view from the Himalayan Hut, covered in climbing roses and vines. The most dreamy month for us all.
Seek some dappled shade

Ferns & Trees
During the warm summer months we have the perfect blend of sun and shade. Enjoy the cooling water cascades and lush green ferns of our newly restored Edwardian Rock Garden, we have over 80 different species!
Our huge, ancient trees provide the perfect shady spot for a picnic, look for our Wellingtonia and Cedar of Lebanon, both planted in 1860, in the Old Orchard.
The scent of roses fills the air

Roses & Hydrangeas
The Rose Walk in August is perfect for a lazy, sunshine soaked stroll. The scent of the roses is just lovely and the range of colours and varieties will impress even the savviest of gardeners.
September reset
Late blooms & soft, golden light.

Slow down and enjoy the peaceful Gardens.
Back to school means fresh starts, new routines and a chance to slow down and take some time for yourself.
The Gardens are wonderful in September - sunflowers and dahlias fill the Walled Garden beds and the Pottager is alive with late blooms and vegetables. It is a peaceful month for us, after the busy summer holidays, and we encourage you to enjoy the slower pace - grab a coffee and find a bench or why not bring some sketch materials and spend the day with us.
Changing colours, autumnal harvest and pumpkins

Autumn Colours & Pumpkins
The gardens look amazing in the autumn months, as the air turns cool and our trees change through yellow and orange to fiery red. Our acers (Japanese maples) are a sight to behold. In the Walled Garden, enjoy our unruly gourds and squash as they scale the walls in amongst the red leaves of the Virginia creeper. Grab a cosy scarf and a hot drink and enjoy the change of seasons with us as our season draws to a close.
And don’t miss our annual Pumpkin Festival, a firm family favourite and the finale of our Season.
Want to see it all? Get a great value Season Ticket and visit as often as you like…..
or check our Activities & Events calendar to plan your visit.
Image courtesy of Lauren @Countrylifewiththesmiths