The Summit Sculpture Series: 2. Interview with co-curators & organisers, Joshua Diment & Angelique Arnold
Josh and Angelique installing his latest piece on the Rose Walk at Riverhill
Ahead of our first ever large scale sculpture exhibition in September, the Summit Sculpture Blog Series continues with an interview with Joshua Diment and Angelique Arnold, the curators and organisers of the exhibition.
Josh is a local, self-taught sculptor, who works in concrete. He started sculpting in November 2015, inspired by ancient stonework that he has seen during his many years of travelling. He's interested in mythology and numerology and encompasses these elements into his work.
Angelique is Josh's partner and likes to think she is his muse :) She is a film producer and has put the meticulous organisational skills she employs in her day job to good use helping Josh establish Summit Sculpture.
Q: How did the idea for Summit come about?
We both have a strong connection to Riverhill, Josh having previously worked in the gardens for many years and I have been friends with Sarah for a long time. When it was agreed that Josh could become an artist in residence at Riverhill, installing many of his pieces there, the seed was sown to hold an exhibition, not just to showcase his work but to open up the gardens to other sculptor’s work.
Q: How did you select the other artists taking part?
Having exhibited at other places and having visited various sculpture gardens we had both become familiar with a number of artists and their work. We primarily invited other local artists to take part, though we do have one sculptor exhibiting who is based in Wales.
Q: What were you looking for when you chose the work?
Appreciation of art is always subjective so we have tried to ensure we have included a wide range of styles and mediums to hopefully appeal to as wide an audience as possible. We did however want to ensure we chose work that we thought would look at home in the setting at Riverhill.
Q: What was the process for the placement of the pieces, how did you decide where to put each work?
Well this process is ongoing! Some artists have visited the gardens with us to discuss where their pieces will be best placed. We want to ensure all are placed in sympathetic surroundings. So for example some of Michael Glasspool's beautiful bronze wildlife pieces will be down in the rock garden by the pond where they will look very much at home.
Q: What is it about Riverhill that made you decide to put together such an ambitious group show here?
As previously mentioned we both have a strong connection to Riverhill and have seen it grow and change over many years. The house and gardens have a wonderful history and lend themselves, with their winding paths and mixture of formal gardens, woodland and natural landscapes, to showcasing this wide selection of art work. Sarah's love of sculpture has always been evident. A sculptural symposium was held here several years ago with many talented artists taking part. Some of these pieces remain in the gardens today.
Q: If you could choose a piece each to take home what would you pick and why?
Josh - I really like Michael Glasspool's pair of doves because they symbolise peace and harmony.
Angelique - well I should really say one of Josh's pieces shouldn't I? (I love Icarus and the 21st century urn) But I'm fortunate enough to already have a piece he made for me in my very small garden! I don't know how I can decide between all the other talented artists work...but based on the size of my garden I would love one of Jane Richardson's chickens or some of Emily Stone's copper flowers.
Q: This is Summit Sculpture's first year at Riverhill, what are your plans and hopes for it going forward?
We are very excited about our first exhibition and hope it will become and annual event. We already have some new artists lined up to take part next year!
21st Century Urn installed in its new home on the Rose Walk.
The Summit Sculpture Exhibition runs 9th September to 11th October. Wednesday - Sunday. Normal admission charges apply for the Gardens and tickets must be pre-booked online.
All works are for sale. For sales enquiries, please contact Angelique at and follow them on Instagram @summitsculpture.